The Heartland Foundation supports a wide variety of community support and development programs that cater to diverse populations. Learn more about our individual programs and the communities we serve by following the links below. Heartland Sustainable Housing, a division of Heartland Coalition 501(c)(3) is a San Diego based organization that works with private and institutional partners to provide viable purchase opportunities to low to moderate-income homebuyers. HSH serves as a community resource to aid distressed homeowners in regaining self-sufficiency through homeowner counseling events, financial management courses, and foreclosure prevention programs. Heartland Coalition Community Clinic (Medical and Dental Services). Heartland is in the process of openening a community clinic within the 2012 calendar year. This service will fill an important void by providing quality, low cost medical and dental services to San Diego’s many uninsured and underinsured residents. The HEART Program seeks to provide homeowners that are underwater with innovative solutions so they can stay in their homes long term. We recognize that the lending industry and many sponsored programs have failed to provide homeowners with the foreclosure relief they deserve. While it is certain that some homeowners are completely unable to pay for a mortgage, even on modified terms, others do have the capacity through regular employment and other sources of household income to make modified payments. Unfortunately, many homeowners, even with stable income, are regularly denied for loan modifications. This is where the HEART Program can help homeowners. If a homeowner can afford payments that are less than their current, combined principle, interest, tax and insurance payments, if their home is underwater, and if their home is in good condition they may qualify for the HEART Program. Qualified applicants have the ability to stay in their homes long term and ultimately end up with a mortgage balance comparable to current market value. Heartland assisted JPMorgan Chase Bank in orchestrating Project Homeowner in San Diego, Riverside, and Los Angeles. According to our documentation, 489 people were counseled and 268 were able to have loans successfully modified so they could stay in their homes. Heartland acquired, renovated and sold houses in California, Arizona, Nevada, Louisiana, and Florida to first time moderate and low income buyers. Members of Job Corps assisted in the renovations in which some of them learned weatherization techniques and solar electric installation. These skills prepared them for a variety of career choices. San Diego Green Business Park. Imagine a building in the San Diego area that houses a variety of green businesses and a GreenSmart Technical College. This community development resource is in the planning stages and should have a grand opening this fall. UnitedGREEN’s two-fold mission is to: 1. Facilitate a grassroots movement that engages and unites the community in a shared fight for a truly sustainable future. 2. Foster projects and initiatives that generate a green economy and accelerate the establishment of green enterprises employing a green-collar workforce.
Heartland Sustainable Housing
Project HealthWORK
Program Heart
Project Homeowner
Project GreenSmart
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